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Issue DateTitlePublisherAuthor(s)
14-Jun-2022IMPACT OF SEED STORAGE CONTAINERS ON SEED BIOCHEMICAL STRUCTURES AND SEED QUALITY ATTRIBUTES IN CHICKPEA (CICER ARIETINUM) SEEDWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life SciencesVerma, Dr. Bhuriya; Kaushik, Shushant Kumar; Yadav, Prahalad Singh
Sep-2014An economic study of growth trend in area, production and productivity of garlic in U.P.-Kumar, Dr. Prabhakar; Shukla, Diwakar; Rai, J
Jul-2022Mor pho log i cal Char ac ter iza tion and Cor re la tion As sess ment of Quan ti ta tive and Qualitative Traits of Proso Mil let (Panicum miliaceum L.) GermplasmFrontiers in Crop ImprovementMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tiwari, Sharad; Sahu, Vinod Kumar
2017Yield and Quality of Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) as Influenced by Foliar Application of Different Sources of Potassium with and without Urea SprayExcellent PublishersChaudhary, Dr. Mahendra; Singh, Jagendra Pratap; Tomar, Saurabh
2021Changes in biochemical and antioxidant enzymes activities play significant role in drought tolerance in soybeanInternational Journal of Agricultural TechnologyMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tripathi, M.K; Gupta, N; Tripathi, N
2-Aug-2022Qualitative characterization and Categorization of Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa spp.) Accession, Collected from different Regions of IndiaBiological ForumMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tiwari, Sharad; Sapre, Swapnil; Sahu, Vinod Kumar
30-Sep-2021Validation of Drought Tolerance Gene-linked Microsatellite Markers and Their Efficiency for Diversity Assessment in a Set of Soybean GenotypesCurrent Journal of Applied Science and TechnologyMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tripathi, M.K; Sharma1, Akash
10-Mar-2021Cell Suspension Culture and In Vitro Screening for Drought Tolerance in Soybean Using Poly-Ethylene GlycolMDPIMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tripathi, Manoj Kuamr; Tiwari, Sushma; Tripathi, Niraj
Sep-2021Evaluation of Diversity among Soybean Genotypes via Yield Attributing Traits and SSR Molecular MarkersCurrent Journal of Applied Science and TechnologyMishra, Dr. Nishi; Tripathi, M.K; Gupta, N; Tripathi, N
2018Effect of Different Dates of Transplanting and Mulching on Flowering and Fruiting Behaviour of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)Internation Journal of pure & applied BioscienceChaudhary, Dr. Mahendra; Tomar, Saurabh; Pratap, Jagendra