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Results 171-180 of 182 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Faculty of Science
Item hits:
Issue DateTitlePublisherAuthor(s)
23-Dec-2023Device for the Measurement of Magnetoelectric SusceptibilitiesThe Patent Office, Government of IndiaKumar, praveen
12-Dec-2023Microwave Based Equipment Synthesis of Chemical CompoundsThe Patent Office, Government of IndiaShivhare, Dr. Brijesh
12-Jul-2023Ultrasonic scalerComptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Intellectual Property OfficeSiroliya, Vinay Kumar; Singh, Gyan
29-Jan-2023Multi Tablet PunchComptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Intellectual Property OfficeMalik, Jitender Kumar
12-Dec-2024Investigate the LC50 Values and Toxic Effect of Glyphosate on the Fresh Water fish, Labeo Rohita in in Sarju River of Gonda, Uttar PradeshInternational Journal of Creative research thoughts (IJCRT)Singh, Praphulla Narayan; Vishwakarma, Dr. Ashish; Gupta, Laxmi prasad
Oct-2024Effect of Glyphosate on Behavioral Changes in a Fresh Water Fish, Labeio in Sarju River of Gonda, Uttar PradeshInternation Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ( IJRASET)Singh, Praphulla Narayan; Gupta, Laxmi Prasad; Vishwakarma, Dr. Ashish
Jun-2023भारतीय समाज मे महिलओं की स्थिति एवं सामाजिक समस्यायें: एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययनSouth Asia Research & Development Instituteविक्रम, अजय कुमार; जौहरी, महालक्ष्मी
Nov-2023भारतीय महिलाओ का शोषण: वैदिक काल से अब तकजन सेवा एवं शोध शिक्षा संस्थान,प्रतापगढ़विक्रम, अजय कुमार; जौहरी, महालक्ष्मी