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Faculty of Pharmacy Patent
Item hits:
Issue DateTitlePublisherAuthor(s)
7-Oct-2024Apparatus For Encapsulating Phytochemicals In NanoparticlesComptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks Intellectual Property OfficeAhirwar, Priyanka; Malik, Jitendra Kumar; Pandey, Stuti
6-Sep-2023LABORATORY APPARATUS FOR DETECTION OF LOCOMOTER ACTIVITY IN RODENTSController General of Patent Designs and TrademarksKuamr, Pushpendra; Kumar, Sunil
28-Sep-2023APPARATUS FOR ANALYSIS OF METABOLIC DISORDERSController General of Patent Designs and TrademarkKumar, Sunil
19-Jul-2023Distillation apparatus for separation and purification of herbal volatile oils-Kuamr, Sunil
-MEDICAL INSTRUMENT FOR TRANSDERMAL DELIVERY OF INSULINController General of Patent Designs and TrademarksSingh, Gyan; Singh, Kuldeep
1-Jan-2024Creativity and Approval of an Inverted Phase HPLC Method that Constantly indicates for Armillas Solving in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage formInternational Journal of Education and Science Research ReviewMalik, Jitendra Kumar; Pandey, Stuti
7-Jul-2023RP- HPLC Technique for Quantification of Glardon's Evolution in Polyherbal FormulationInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Technology & ScienceMalik, Jitendra Kumar; Pandey, Stuti
9-Mar-2024A Smart Microreactor Device for Synthesis of NanoparticlesThe Patent Office, Government of IndiaShivhare, Dr. Brijesh